Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday May 26th

Once you have finished the priority list on the board:
1. Inner Foldable
2. Outer Foldable
3. Inner Outer Planets Venn Diagram
4. Powers of Ten pictures
5. Guide to the Galaxy

Go on to the Mars Mission site to interact with different mars rover activities

Homework: None

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21st, Thursday

Click here for Guide to the Galaxy

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12th/13th Tues./Wed.

1, 4, 5th period

Today we will take a virtual tour of Saturn's system.

Click on the picture above to start your tour! Explore all the different places the simulation can take you?

On binder paper:
1. List 10 facts that you learn about Saturn or the Cassini Mission through exploring the simulation.

2. Choice: Choose from the following two essay questions to answer in 3-4 paragraphs

a. What do you think is the purpose of missions such as Cassini? NASA spends billions of dollars to send missions like Cassini into Space. Do you think it is worth it? (persuasive essay)

b. Write a guide that would go with the Cassini simulation, leading a student through important parts of the tour. Include questions that a student could answer as they follow your guide.

Ex. 1. Click on "Moon Mode" at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click on Titan
a. Describe Titan's atmosphere