Thursday, November 19, 2009

Acid Base Indicator Project

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is to communicate to the class your opinion as to which type of acid-base indicator is the most effective in identifying acids bases and neutral substances:  litmus paper, cabbage juice, or pH paper.

Step 1Research-  Use the following websites to help you to make an educated decision as to which indicator is most effective:

Litmus Paper

What is litmus paper?

How litmus paper is made
Function of Litmus Paper

Cabbage Juice
Introduction to Red Cabbage Juice
More info on Cabbage juice

pH Paper 
 What is pH?

Step 2:  Choose the type of indicator that you found was the best.

Step 3:  Choose a media
 Written Speech (3 paragraph minimum)
 Poster using Pages
Keynote presentation

Step 4:  Plan the Content
Content should include:
-What does the indicator look like?
-How does the indicator work?
-What information does the indicator give you?
-Reasons for why you think this is the best type of indicator.
-A counter-argument 

Step 5:  Save
Save the file as period_lastname_firstname_indicators
example: 1_foerder_diane_indicators

Drop it into my drop box

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tuesday, November 17th

Explore the kitchen for clues. For each clue write down what you think the clue is telling you. Use the clues to predict if each of the substances are acids, bases, or neutral. You can also try the bottle rockets with each substance.

Kitchen Chemistry

When you reach the Science Journal section make a data table to show your results:

Product                         Acid/Base/Neutral?                     Can be used 
                                                                                             as Rocket 
Mouthwash                   Base                                                No
Pineapple Juice
Bottled Water
Orange Juice
Peppermint Extract
Lemon Juice
Stain Remover

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, November 5th

For today's assignment you will be balancing equations online. For each equation you balance on the computer, please copy and solve the equation on a piece of binder paper for your records. Click on the links below to start.

FunBrain Balancing Equations

Equations Fun

Balancing Equations Tutorial

Homework: Finish Balancing Equations Practice Worksheet