Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday, September 24th

Here are the steps that you will follow for today's assignment.

  1. Open your digital locker by going up to "Go" on the finder window, "Connect to Server", type in server
  2. Username: First letter of first name followed by first five letters of last name and sometimes a number ex: My Name: Diane Foerder, Username: dfoerd
  3. Password: Last 4 digits of student ID number
  4. Open Student Files and Your digital locker
  5. Go into Student Files/ Assignments/ Foerder
  6. Drag Atoms file to your desktop, open and follow instructions
  7. When completed save to your digital locker in a Science Folder : period_last name_first_atoms
  8. To submit to my drop box open Student Files/Drop Boxes/drag or copy file into Foerder
Homework: pg. 202 #1-3

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9/9/09 Wednesday

Today we looked at how red dye moves in hot water vs. cold water.

Homework: Read pg. 255-259 Do: pg 260 #1-4