Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Atoms of Different Elements

Do all elements have the same atom? The answer is NO.
Today you will be investigating how the atom of 8 different elements looks.


1. Fold a piece of paper into 8 sections
2. Go to Chemical Elements.com
3. Click on the first element "H" for Hydrogen
4. Scroll down to the Bohr diagram of Hydrogen
5. Draw the diagram in your first box on your paper. Title box as Hydrogen. Be sure to draw and label the nucleus, electons (with negative signs), protons (with positive signs), and neutrons (no charge).
6. Repeat steps 3-5 with the elements He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O

Questions: Please answer the following questions in complete sentences on the back of your paper.

1. What do you notice happens to the number of protons in each element as you move to the right on the periodic table?
2. What do you notice happens to the number of electrons in each element as you move to the right on the periodic table?
3. Is there a relationship between the number of protons and electrons found in an atom of a certain element? Why do you think this relationship exists?
4. If I told you that the element Silicon has 14 protons, how many electrons are in a Silicon atom?
5. Write an I learned statement about atoms.

Homework:None =)